Dance Electronic

This school holidays we have something very special going down at MauaoPAC! We have the Aotearoa DJ Academy heading back from their base camp in Wellington to teach up a storm to all you budding young producers and DJ's out there. The morning sessions are for the DJ's, and the afternoon sessions are for the production students. You can do either class or take part in both lessons!

Regards the DJ sessions, the Aotearoa DJ Academy is teaching their popular Digital DJ 101 program as a holiday program for all children aged 9 and above. These lessons will happen from 9am till 12pm each day. This intensive one week course that will provide a comprehensive inside look into the world of the DJ, starting from “scratch” and hosted by DJ Shan.

The afternoon DJ Music Production Intro Course teaches how to make a beat from scratch, create drum patterns, basslines, samples and basic mic recording techniques to create a new song.

Welcome to the world of Electronic Dance Music (EDM). This introductory course will show you the "ins and outs" of producing your own music. Using Fruity Loops SL as the main production program, you'll learn how to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master quality music. While it's designed to complement the "Digital DJ 101 program" course, you can still enroll if you have no experience.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
- Use the basics of the Fruity Loops SL software
- Navigate audio and midi tracks
- Create drum lines and sequences
- Play basslines and samples
- Render tracks and save formats e.g. mp3, wav etc
- Use basic mixdown and master of music

Each student attending the Production Course will need to bring headphones, a USB, and a laptop, if you have one. This course is limited to eight participants. If each student can put some of their favourite songs onto their USB stick that would be awesome.

All lessons are taught on industry standard equipment, each student will have a workbook to take away along with some fresh new skills on the lock down.

Morning classes from 9am til 12pm
Afternoon classes from 1pm till 4pm
Monday - Friday
Total of 15 hours per course.
Cost is $250 per student with a limited number of only eight students per class. If you are attending both classes please bring some lunch and a snack.

Register now to cement your place...
Call 0800 11 22 41 or email

DJ Shan is also offering one-on-one private tuition in DJ'ing or Production for kids and adults. These will occur after the days classes are complete. For more info please call 0800 11 22 41 or email