Hell Freezes Over - Kiwi Eagles Experience
After a successful summer tour of the North Island, Hell Freezes Over - Kiwi Eagles Experience are embarking on a Sth Island tour, but before they do that, the band will be playing a one off event at one of our favourite venues with fantastic production and great crew “Totara Street”.
Kiwis have always been known for their individuality, and the Kiwi Eagles Experience is no exception.
Featuring four striking musicians delivering four part harmonies and blistering guitar solos to classic eagles compositions that sound as close to the eagles live show as possible. A show with full stage production including sound and lights to give you a true unique Kiwi Eagles Experience
Let us take you on a unique journey playing everything from ‘Take It Easy’, ‘Hotel California’ right up until 'Get Over It’ plus all the classic Eagles hits that everyone loves!
Come and see and hear all your favourite eagles songs with this well polished Eagles Tribute band.
DOORS 8:00PM - R18